Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Photocatalyst and Negative Ion Bulb

Photocatalyst and Negative Ion Bulb was scattered like wildfire passing to every ears of Filipinos, the innovation has been already successful, whereas someone spent time to research it and post it without even using and feel the benefits of it. I am a user a the said bulb and it really helps me a lot, when I got the Photocatalyst and Negative Ion Bulb and used it in my tiny shop, drastic changes has been made.


Researched by an unknown blogger was published in a blog, readers be aware because it was really misleading, he only qoutes Carl Koval's saying about the Tio2 , without knowing that Carl is also an inventor of improve photocatalyst application.

See more details about Carl Koval

Reading upon the line,

"..Says Koval, “When illuminated TiO2

is used to decompose organic compounds, a

large number of intermediate compounds are

usually formed. In some cases, these intermediate compounds can be more hazardous

than the compound being decomposed.” For

example, he says, the breakdown of TCE

yields trichloroacetic acid (a substance almost

as toxic as TCE) and, in the gaseous phase,

p h o s g e n e ( a c h emi c a l w a r f a r e a g e n t ) .

However, he says, this doesn’t mean that all

applications using TiO2

would be dangerous.

“In situations where this type of process was

being proposed for outdoor use, I see no

problems with it, because similar things occur

naturally in the atmosphere, and it would be

unlikely that concentrations of the hazardous

c h emi c a l w o u l d r e a c h t o x i c l e v e l s . . . .

However, [in an indoor setting] who knows

what would be formed if TiO2

photocatalysis were used to decompose plasticizers, bacteria,

and so on, and what the health effects might

be from inhaling such compounds?”

Certainly there is cause for caution, agrees

Anderson. “But given time and control over

the process,” he adds, “these daughter products do break down into environmentally

benign substances, a process which can be

monitored using a gas chromatograph.” And,

says Blake, “All oxidization processes have

the potential to produce partial oxidization

products. It comes down to a question of the

fraction of the target compounds that are

converted to the intermediate products and

how much of those produced are released

into the air or water. The amount released

will be a function of the efficiency of the

photocatalytic device and the way it is constructed and operated.”

All that being said, in the realm of envir o nme n t a l c l e a n u p t e c h n o l o g y i s T iO2

indeed the white knight riding to the rescue

or something less? Says Blake, “There is no

single technology that can address the very

wide range of contamination problems in

the environment. Most workers in the field

recognize that the photocatalytic chemistry

of TiO2 has pluses and minuses that make it

attractive for some applications and not for

o the r s . The pho t o c a t a l y t i c chemi s t r y o f


is very intriguing. It works in water or

air, it uses light instead of heat, and it is

such a simple concept. Engineering it with

the right balance of economics and performance is the challenge.”

Link here

That article was written 10 years ago, so what do you think has happened after 10 years? Does the development of Photocatalyst and Negative Ion Bulb has been changed? Those articles is just a speculation that time, the reason why it is written with a question mark (see Title: Titanium Dioxide:

Environmental White Knight?, means that it was not proven at the time, but after ICC (Import Commodity Clearance) has certified the product of Goodfaith, no question ask get your GoodLights, come and get one used it and enjoy the benefits of inhaling clean air.

You can place your order now! Get your Photocatalyst and Negative ion Bulb Now!

Call/ text me at 0929-2954640

This post is brought to you by Photocatalyst and Negative Ion Bulb: GoodFaith's Leading Product!

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